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Showing 28 posts in Labor Relations.

Federal Trade Commission Issues Sweeping Proposed Rule to Prohibit Noncompete Agreements

Banning Non-Compete ContractOn January 5, 2023, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a proposed new regulation that would broadly prohibit employers from using or enforcing noncompete agreements with employees, former employees, contractors, or other workers. Read More ›

Categories: Alerts and Updates, Did you Know?, Employment, Labor Relations, News

Coming in 2023: Big Changes to Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave

Distressed EmployerThis past year brought about significant changes to Michigan employment law, especially in regards to minimum wage and paid sick leave.

In 2022, the Michigan Court of Claims reinstated Michigan’s original Improved Workforce Opportunity Act (IWOWA) and Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA), ruling that the adopt and amend tactic used to pass the Paid Medical Leave Act were unconstitutional under Michigan’s Constitution. This ruling immediately voided the Paid Medical Leave Act and the amended version of the IWOWA, reinstating all provisions of the 2018 IWOWA and ESTA. The Court of Appeals did issue a stay until February 19, 2023.

So how did we get here, and what does this mean for employers moving forward? Read More ›

Categories: Alerts and Updates, Did you Know?, Employment, Labor Relations

Employee Misclassification and the Gig Economy

W2 vs 1099 FormOne of the most concerning trends in employment law today is employee misclassification. Stringent labor protections put in place by the government, the increased use of of independent contractors and explosion in the gig economy means that the burden is on employers not only to classify employees correctly, but also to treat them strictly within the boundaries of the law under that classification. Read More ›

Categories: Department of Labor, Did you Know?, Employment, Labor Relations, Lawsuit

Non-Competition Agreements: What They Are And How You can Align Yours With Best Practices

Filling Out Non-Compete Agreement FormA non-competition agreement also known as a non-compete agreement or non-compete clause is a stipulation often found in employee contracts that prohibits an employee from engaging in the same type of business with another employer if they leave their current job.

These clauses have been in employers’ toolboxes for decades, largely to protect proprietary information and trade secrets from competition. However in the past few years, non-competes have come under fire from the Biden Administration.

Knowing this, our team has put together some key points on non-competes, laws that govern them, and changes that we’re seeing in the Biden Administration. Read More ›

Categories: Contracts, Did you Know?, Employment, Labor Relations, Lawsuit

Wage and Hour Law 101 for Employers

Wage Folder HR DepartmentEvery employer and HR department has reviewed wage and hour laws, but even for the most experienced companies, a few common questions always come up.

  • How much do I have to pay?
  • What will wages look like in the next few years?
  • Does a bonus affect overtime?
  • What type of damages could I face if I don’t pay employee's properly?
  • How do I stay out of the crosshairs of the government?

Some of the answers might not be as straightforward as you’d think. Below, we’ve put together some of the most important points on the basics of wage and hour laws and what employers need to know. Read More ›

Categories: Audits, Employment, Labor Relations, National Labor Relations Board, Overtime, Wage and Hour

President Biden Issues Executive Order Urging FTC to Limit or Ban Non-Compete Agreements

Non-Compete Agreement Contract ClipboardOn July 9, 2021, President Biden issued his Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy. The executive order contains over 70 initiatives directed at more than a dozen federal agencies, including one that “encouraged” the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) to use its rulemaking ability “to curtail the unfair use of non-compete clauses and other clauses or agreements that may unfairly limit worker mobility.” Read More ›

Categories: Alerts and Updates, Employment, Labor Relations, News

Biden Administration Executive Orders Impacting Employment Law Issues

BarrierSince inauguration day, President Biden has issued a flurry of executive orders (EO), which do not create new laws but do direct executive branch actions within existing laws. Among the executive orders signed by the President include ones meant to address racial and gender inequities in the workplace that employers should be aware of. Read More ›

Categories: Employment, Labor Relations

EEOC Issues New Guidance on Religious Discrimination and Accommodation of Religious Beliefs

Gavel and Sticky NoteWhenever there is a change in federal administrations, employers must be aware of how various employment laws, rules and regulations will ​change. One hot topic in employment law, which has seen significant change in recent years, is religious discrimination and accommodation of religious beliefs in the workplace. Read More ›

Categories: Employment, Labor Relations, News

The Pro-Union PRO Act passes the U.S. House of Representatives

Union Contract and GavelOn March 9, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, known as the PRO Act, with a largely party line vote of 225-206.

The bill’s passage in the U.S. House is a victory for labor unions, as it includes sweeping changes to federal labor laws that would significantly impact employers and empower unions. The legislation now moves to the U.S. Senate, where stiffer opposition to passage is expected. Read More ›

Categories: Alerts and Updates, Labor Relations, Legislative Updates, Union

Remote Work in the Pandemic Age: Employer Obligations and Best Practices

Stressed at WorkAs a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in Michigan, state agencies responsible for protecting public health and worker safety have imposed a general legal obligation on most employers to require that employees who can feasibly work remotely do so. This article will review that general obligation and discuss best practices for employers. Read More ›

Categories: Employee Handbook, Employment, Labor Relations